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Idiom Neutral es lingu auksiliar internasional, kreed per Akademi Internasional de Lingu Universal sub direktorad de Waldemar Rosenberger e publiked in anu 1902. Akademi prendav su se plubonifikasion de Volapük, e resultad esav lingu nov nomed Idiom Neutral (plu internasional e plu rekonosabl ka Volapük relativu form de sie paroli).
Akademi usav sept lingui prinsipale uesteuropan kuale basis pro sue lingu (angl, german, frans, espan, ital, rus, e latin). Akademi selektav radiki komunik eks ist lingui a konstruar Idiom Neutral, kredante ke tal lingu poteserio esar komprended per "omnihom kultived kuasi sine aprendasion anterior". |
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Neutral: Form ofisik de Idiom Neutral used in ist ensiklopedi es tel ekspliked per Waldemar Rosenberger in gramatik e diksionar da anu 1902 (gramatik, diksionar). Posteriore in anu 1906, Rosenberger publikav suplement a diksionar (suplement), kel introdukav formi nov de kelk paroli (e spesiale paroli sientik e geografik) – on es permited usar form nov u form plu ansian.
Kausu ansianitet de Idiom Neutral, it esero kelkfoa neses krear u proposar paroli nov a deskribar nosioni u kosi, keli no eksistav tetempe. Ili deberio esar used rare; it es plu bon eksaminar gramatik e diksionar a konstatar, eske on potes eksprimar otre idé mediu paroli ya eksistant. (Visa: Paroli nov used in ist ensiklopedi). | |
Angl: The official form of Idiom Neutral used in this encyclopedia is that explicated by Waldemar Rosenberger in the grammar and dictionary from 1902 (gramatik, diksionar). Afterwards in 1906, Rosenberger published a supplement to the dictionary (suplement) which introduced new forms of some words (especially scientific and geographic words) - one is permitted to use the new or older form.
Due to the age of Idiom Neutral, it will sometimes be necessary to create or propose new words to describe notions or things which did not exist at the time. They should be used rarely; it is better to examine the grammar and dictionary to ascertain whether one can express an idea differently using already existing words. (See: Paroli nov, new words used in this encyclopedia). |